Birth by Sleep Finish Commands List - Kingdom Hearts

This blog post will describe the methods and experiences needed to obtain the finish commands in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

| Finish           | N/A                            | N/A                     |
| Heat Slash 1     | Activate Firestorm 8 times     | Finish                  |
| Rising Rock 1    | Earn 2000 CP                   | Finish                  |
| Gold Rush        | Earn 1000 Munny                | Finish                  |
| Ramuh's Judgment | Activate Thunderbolt 12 times  | Rising Rock 1           |
| Rising Rock 2    | Earn 4200 CP                   | Rising Rock 1           |
| Twisted Hours    | Walk 7000 steps                | Rising Rock 1,Gold Rush |
| Surprise! 1      | Earn 1400 Munny                | Gold Rush               |
| Dark Star 1      | Kill 420 enemies               | Rising Rock 2           |
| Heal Strike      | Survive lethal damage with Once| Rising Rock 2           |
|                  |   More,Second Chance 5 times   |                         |
| Random End       | Walk 8000 steps                | Twisted Hours           |
| Surprise! 2      | Earn 5200 Munny                | Twisted Hours,Surprise 1|
| Dark Star 2      | Kill 550 enemies               | Dark Star 1             |
| Explosion        | Earn 6400 CP                   | Dark Star 1             |
| Demolition       | Earn 10000 CP                  | Dark Star 2             |

| Finish           | N/A                            | N/A                     |
| Heat Slash 1     | Activate Firestorm 8 times     | Finish                  |
| Air Flair 1      | Earn 2000 CP                   | Finish                  |
| Gold Rush        | Earn 1000 Munny                | Finish                  |
| Ramuh's Judgment | Activate Thunderbolt 12 times  | Air Flair 1             |
| Air Flair 2      | Earn 4000 CP                   | Air Flair 1             |
| Twisted Hours    | Walk 7000 steps                | Air Flair 1, Gold Rush  |
| Surprise! 1      | Earn 1400 Munny                | Gold Rush               |
| Air Flair 3      | Walk 4500 steps                | Air Flair 2             |
| Heal Strike      | Survive lethal damage with Once| Air Flair 2             |
|                  |   More,Second Chance 5 times   |                         |
| Surprise! 2      | Earn 5200 Munny                | Twisted Hours,Surprise 1|
| Air Flair 4      | Walk 7000 steps                | Air Flair 3             |
| Explosion        | Earn 6400 CP                   | Air Flair 3             |
| Celebration      | Earn 7000 Munny                | Surprise! 2             |
| Stratosphere     | Kill 800 enemies               | Air Flair 4             |

| Finish           | N/A                            | N/A                     |
| Heat Slash 1     | Activate Firestorm 8 times     | Finish                  |
| Magic Pulse 1    | Earn 2000 CP                   | Finish                  |
| Gold Rush        | Earn 1000 Munny                | Finish                  |
| Heat Slash 2     | Activate Firestorm 12 times    | Heat Slash 1            |
| Ramuh's Judgment | Activate Thunderbolt 12 times  | Magic Pulse 1           |
| Magic Pulse 2    | Earn 3800 CP                   | Magic Pulse 1           |
| Twisted Hours    | Walk 7000 steps                | Magic Pulse 1, Gold Rush|
| Surprise! 1      | Earn 1400 Munny                | Gold Rush               |
| Magic Pulse 3    | Kill 350 enemies               | Magic Pulse 2           |
| Heal Strike      | Survive lethal damage with Once| Magic Pulse 2           |
|                  |   More,Second Chance 5 times   |                         |
| Surprise! 2      | Earn 5200 Munny                | Twisted Hours,Surprise 1|
| Magic Pulse 4    | Kill 500 enemies               | Magic Pulse 3           |
| Explosion        | Earn 6400 CP                   | Magic Pulse 3           |
| Ice Burst        | Activate Diamond Dust 15 times | Magic Pulse 3           |
| Teleport Spike   | Kill 800 enemies               | Magic Pulse 4           |

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Quick References

Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Complete Keyblade List
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Ice Cream Shop List
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Cheats and Tips
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Finish Commands List 
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Xehanort Reports Guide with English translation by Lisa Rye


  1. what does CP mean?
    but thanks anyway it was a great help

    1. i think it means combo points but I'm not sure because in my game the little bar went up every time i had a large combo hope this helps
