Tending Neighbor’s City is Not Worthwhile at End Stage

Tending Neighbor’s City is Not Worthwhile at End Stage
In this blog article I will write the reasons why it is not worthwhile to tend neighbor’s City at End game stage.

1. Money is not Worthwhile
It is not worthwhile for money sake because you only get 25 coins per click. For 5 clicks you will get 75 coins. With the amount of clicks, you will get more coins by switching in and out of your business buildings into golden spots.

2. Good is not Worthwhile
At end game stage, you should either have a vast amount of land dedicated to farming and multiple piers collecting goods for you. The maximum number of goods that you can get from neighbors is limited to 15 per click. This is assuming that the neighbor has crops that are ready to be harvested.

3. Reputation is not Worthwhile
The reputation level that you gain right now does not mean much. You do not get more coins or EXP when you have high reputation level. The hiring system which gives you bonus is not in place right now.

The only thing that is worthwhile:
Good faith: I believe that at the end, the only worthwhile is the concept of giving back to your neighbors when they help you. Sending over tourists after all, is the best way to gain lots of money and EXP without spending energy. So if you do receive lots of help from your neighbors, do tend your neighbor’s Cityville City as a way of saying thank you back.

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  1. ...you only get 25 coins per click. For 5 clicks you will get 75 coins.

    Excuse me? I thought 25 x 5 = 125.
