How to level up Franchise Star in Cityville

How to level up Franchise Star in Cityville
Leveling up franchise has two sides of the equation. Simply put, the supplier have to supply the goods. When the receiving city apply that received franchise goods, the franchise will receive an additional star.

You can only supply a City once per day. Therefore, theoratically you can only achieve 5 star franchise in 5 days if both Cities have active users.

Your best bet in getting the best franchise opportunity is to get as many franchise business out as you can, so you will be able to gain the maximum numbers of money.

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  1. i supply my franchises every day and i still only have one star on them

  2. It also has something to do with how active your target is. The more customers and goods sold in the target city, the more likely it will level up.

  3. Getting 5 stars for 5 days is impossible I am playing 60 days and I still don't have 5 star franchisee
