Power-Up and Upgrade Your Gears Part 2 Gem Embedding - Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
The gear upgrade system in BoI is quite complicated with many items and many methods of upgrades. Nevertheless, the gear system is THE most important part of the game where your customization will either break or make your characters. It is important for all the players to get familiarize with
I have broken these guides into four parts, which include (1) Fortification, (2) Gem Embedding, (3) Stardust and Starword, (4) Blessing, (5) Soul Insignia Charm, and finally (6) the cosmetic Glow effect. This guide will detail Part 2 of the BoI gear Gem Embedding process.
2. Gem Embedding
The gear that you want to embed gems into must have available gem lots obtained via Fortification. Then you need to use the correct defensive or offensive gems into the corresponding equipment as follows:
Defensive gems: armor, helm, pauldrons, greaves, belt, and boots.
Offensive gems: weapons, gloves, rings, necklaces and pendants.
Failure Chance:
Inserting a gem into a slot has a 50% success rate, where failure destroys the gem. This can be avoided using an Embed Charm. The Embed Charm can be obtained via the monsters in the Thor’s Altar defense event or bought from the ZEN Marketplace.
Perfect Embed:
A gem can be embed perfectly by chance which will add an additional 10% bonus to the gem stats. The non-perfect embbed gem can be made perfect by using a Gem polisher. The level 1, 2, and 3 Gem Polisher can be obtained via the monsters in the Thor’s Altar defense event. Level 1 through 8 can be bought via ZEN and Salary Marketplace.
Gem Removal:
A gem can be removed from the gear using a Removal Charm. It should be noted that this does not remove the boundness of the gem and the gear. Level 1 and 2 Removal Charm can be obtained via the Adventure Coin at Vaphere. Level 1 through 3 can be obtained via the monsters in the Thor’s Altar defense event. Level 2 through 5 can be bought from ZEN marketplace. Level Super can be bought from the Salary Marketplace.
Obtaining Gems:
Gems can be obtained from Specter Island , Fallen Darkness, and other locations. However, bounded level 2 gems can be bought from the Salary Marketplace.
Gem Level Up:
Gems have their own levels which can offer greater bonuses at higher levels. You can combine gems of the same level plus a Gem Talisman at Dyana. The Level 1 and 2 Gem Talisman can be obtained via the Bountyhunter Chest and bound version can be obtained via the Adventurer Coin at Vaphere. Level 2 through 4 can be bought from the ZEN Marketplace. Level Super can be bought from the Salary Marketplace. The success rate of combining is 50% for 3 gems, 75% for 4 gems and 100% for 5 gems.
Using 5 gems is the most advantageous method because it generates the safest result. 5 gems of the same type combine into another gem of the same type. The result is random if you do not use the same gems.
Gem Details:
Material of Thor | Magic Attack | Offensive | 10 | 22 | 40 | 67 | 114 | 185 | 285 | 428 | 642 |
Stone of Flame | Fire Attack | Offensive | 12 | 27 | 48 | 81 | 137 | 222 | 342 | 514 | 771 |
Stone of Frost | Ice Attack | Offensive | 12 | 27 | 48 | 81 | 137 | 222 | 342 | 514 | 771 |
Stone of Light | Light Attack | Offensive | 12 | 27 | 48 | 81 | 137 | 222 | 342 | 514 | 771 |
Stone of Darkness | Dark Attack | Offensive | 12 | 27 | 48 | 81 | 137 | 222 | 342 | 514 | 771 |
Luckstone of Bragi | Lucky Strike | Offensive | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Gem of Hel | Critical Strike | Offensive | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Soulgem of Hoder | Accuracy | Offensive | 17 | 42 | 107 | 257 | 535 | 1000 | 150 | 2142 | 2857 |
Diamond of Frigga | HP | Defensive | 285 | 642 | 1285 | 2500 | 5571 | 10142 | 17173 | 28571 | 42142 |
MP | Defensive | 285 | 642 | 1285 | 2500 | 5571 | 10142 | 17173 | 28571 | 42142 | |
Jewel of Flame | Fire Resistance | Defensive | 3.6% | 7.1% | 12.9% | 17.9% | 25% | 35.7% | 47.9% | 53.6% | 64.3% |
Jewel of Frost | Ice Resistance | Defensive | 3.6% | 7.1% | 12.9% | 17.9% | 25% | 35.7% | 47.9% | 53.6% | 64.3% |
Jewel of Light | Light Resistance | Defensive | 3.6% | 7.1% | 12.9% | 17.9% | 25% | 35.7% | 47.9% | 53.6% | 64.3% |
Jewel of Darkness | Dark Resistance | Defensive | 3.6% | 7.1% | 12.9% | 17.9% | 25% | 35.7% | 47.9% | 53.6% | 64.3% |
Shard of Heimdallr | Physical Defense | Defensive | 6 | 13 | 24 | 40 | 68 | 111 | 171 | 257 | 385 |
Talisman of Balder | Magic Defense | Defensive | 6 | 13 | 24 | 40 | 68 | 111 | 171 | 257 | 385 |
Wondergem of Artemis | Evasion | Defensive | 17 | 42 | 107 | 257 | 535 | 1000 | 150 | 2142 | 2857 |
Obtained via the Official Wiki: List of Gems
To view my other Battle of the Immortal (BoI) guides and tables collections. Visit the following links:Battle of the Immortals (BoI) Class-Specific Guides:
Complete Slayer Class Guide for high DPS - Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
Complete Heretic Class Guide for Best Support - Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
Complete Magus Class Guide for Offensive AoE - Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
Complete Champion Class Guide for the Ultimate Tank - Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
Heretic Skills Overview - Battle of the Immortals (BoI) - Written on Google Knol
Magus Skills Overview - Battle of the Immortals (BoI) - Written on Google Knol
Battle of the Immortals Leveling and Money Making Guides for all classes:
13 Ways to Make In-Game Coins Fast, Quick, and Easy - Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
Leveling Up Fast, Quick, and Easy - Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
In-Game Money, Coin, Salary, ZEN, Credit, and Bonus Explained - Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
Marriage System and Skills Guide in Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
Mastership and Disciple Guide for the Battle of the Immortals
Pet Related:
Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Your Pet - Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
Pet Melding Guide - Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
Obtain Your Zodiac Pet - Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
EXP Tables:
Player Base Level EXP Chart Table - Battle of the Immortals (BoI) - Written on Google Knol
Pet Level EXP Chart Table - Battle of the Immortals (BoI) - Written on Google Knol
To learn more about Battle of Immortals, visit the following links for amazing videos:
Official Battle of the Immortals Videos Released by Perfect WorldTo view my other Battle of the Immortal (BoI) guides and tables collections. Visit the following links:
Complete Slayer Class Guide for high DPS - Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
Complete Heretic Class Guide for Best Support - Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
Complete Magus Class Guide for Offensive AoE - Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
Complete Champion Class Guide for the Ultimate Tank - Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
Battle of the Immortals (BoI) Class-Specific Skill Overviews:
Slayer Skills Overview - Battle of the Immortals (BoI) - Written on Google Knol Heretic Skills Overview - Battle of the Immortals (BoI) - Written on Google Knol
Magus Skills Overview - Battle of the Immortals (BoI) - Written on Google Knol
Battle of the Immortals Leveling and Money Making Guides for all classes:
13 Ways to Make In-Game Coins Fast, Quick, and Easy - Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
Leveling Up Fast, Quick, and Easy - Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
In-Game Money, Coin, Salary, ZEN, Credit, and Bonus Explained - Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
Battle of the Immortals Unique Features Guide
Induction System Explained for Battle of the Immortals (BoI)Marriage System and Skills Guide in Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
Mastership and Disciple Guide for the Battle of the Immortals
Pet Related:
Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Your Pet - Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
Pet Melding Guide - Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
Obtain Your Zodiac Pet - Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
EXP Tables:
Player Base Level EXP Chart Table - Battle of the Immortals (BoI) - Written on Google Knol
Pet Level EXP Chart Table - Battle of the Immortals (BoI) - Written on Google Knol
Power-Up and Upgrade Your Gears Series Guide:
Power-Up and Upgrade Your Gears Part 1 Fortification -Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
Power-Up and Upgrade Your Gears Part 2 Gem Embedding - Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
Power-Up and Upgrade Your Gears Part 3 Stardust and Starwords - Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
Power-Up and Upgrade Your Gears Part 1 Fortification -
Power-Up and Upgrade Your Gears Part 2 Gem Embedding - Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
Power-Up and Upgrade Your Gears Part 3 Stardust and Starwords - Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
Power-Up and Upgrade Your Gears Part 4 Gear Blessing - Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
Power-Up and Upgrade Your Gears Part 5 Soul Insignia Charm - Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
Power-Up and Upgrade Your Gears Part 6 Glow Effect - Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
Power-Up and Upgrade Your Gears Part 5 Soul Insignia Charm - Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
Power-Up and Upgrade Your Gears Part 6 Glow Effect - Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
Soul Gears List Guide for all the classes:
Soul Gear List for the Slayer Class - Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
Soul Gear List for the Heretic Class - Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
Soul Gear List for the Slayer Class - Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
Soul Gear List for the Heretic Class - Battle of the Immortals (BoI)
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