Cityville Max Franchise Limit

Cityville Max Franchise Limit
The maximum number of Franchise that you can have in YOUR OWN city is currently capped to 26. Because of this limit, you should gradually change out the franchise in your City that are low paying such as bakery. To read more about Franchise tips, you could check out the rest of my franchise guides.

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  1. I've demolished the existing franchise in my city but it still says "max franchise"

  2. Have you tried reloading the game? note that they lowered the franchise to 16 now i believe.

  3. I think I have 33. I have 33 different floors at least on 6 buildings, And yeah, i'd demolish some of my lousy, old franchises too, if it meant I could get taller skyscrapers with the others. I don't know, I didn't really understand that guy's bad English anyway.

  4. I have 10 franchise in my city and I can't have any more :( Tha pretty much sucks

  5. I've demolished a few and it still says I've maxed out. Zynga, fix it!!!

  6. I only have FIVE franchises on one of my accounts (my dog plays Cityville, what can I say), and it already won't let me place another empty lot! And I need it for a quest! Grr, is this some kind of bug?

  7. Mine is only FOUR franchises. And I can't add a new space for franchise! Yea, I wish they'll fix this.

  8. You can have one(1) empty lot for every 3 neighbors (you will start with one and can add another one once you have 3 neighbors), so as you add more neighbors you will be able to place more empty lots. Your new neighbors will be able to visit your city and expand their businesses.

    **Please note that you can have up to 20 franchise lots in your city; whether occupied or empty. The maximum number of franchise lots you can have also depends on your neighbors; you can find how many neighbors you need to unlock the next one on the franchise lot icon in the build menu (explained in more detail further on).

