Cityville City Housing Building Collections List

Cityville City Housing Building Collections List

Cityville’s collections for the housing can be quite confusing. The name of the collections do not directly match with the actual housing building names. Below is a simple list that I have put up which shows the matching of the two. Please let me know if I have made any mistakes so I could fix them ^^.
Name              Collection        Bonus
Cozy Cottage           Peaceful Living   White Picket Fence
Family Townhouse       Suburbia          Red Dog House
Country Home           Rural             3 XP, 25 Goods
Suburban House         Suburbia          Red Dog House
Loft Apartments        City Life         50 Coins, 3 XP
Modern Chateau         Main Street       50 Coins, 3 XP
Lake House             Peaceful Living   White Picket Fence
Terraced Brown Stone   City Life         50 Coins, 3 XP
Stylish Contemporary   City Life         50 Coins, 3 XP
Apartment Complex      City Life         50 Coins, 3 XP
Ranch House            City Life         50 Coins, 3 XP
Upscale Condos         Rural             3 XP, 25 Goods
Colonial Chalet        High Society      Driveway Gates
Hotel Suites           Downtown          Tavern
Sprawling Mansion      Suburbia          Red Dog House
Skyscraper Condo       Jet Setter        Tuxedo Rental
Luxury Apartments      Jet Setter        Tuxedo Rental
Wedding House          Rural             3 XP, 25 Goods

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  1. What housing item do you think "Luxury Apartments" is? Nothing is labeled that...

  2. You get that from the daily bonus reward for getting it 5 days consecutively

  3. ooo... the Upscale Condos collect stuffs for Downtown Collection not Rural --

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