Cityville Arboretum Optimization

Cityville Arboretum Optimization
One school of thought in Cityville appears to be reaching for maximum bonus per business. Yet however I do disagree with that logic. I believe that at lower levels, arboretums should be applied to multiple businesses for quick money gains. At later levels, once you have saved enough money and you do decide to make as much as possible. You should consider Rocky Hills at end game stage to get that addition 4% bonus.

Below is a screenshot of me using Arboretum to boost all my adjacent business buildings.

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  1. how many arboterum did you place in that photo?

  2. I placed only one arboretum. There's one space between the arboretum and the rest of the businesses thus add a little bit bonus to all buildings.

  3. How come your bonus became 30%-40%? Did you add a playground and I am planning to add swing playground set there.thanks for your guide anyway.

  4. put more decorations in the empty spaces you could achieve it...i actually recommend using a tennis court too once you get enough cash from leveling up.

    it offers a whopping 64% bonus
