City of Wonders Best Residential Housing

City of Wonders Best Residential Housing
Below is a list of all the residential housings available in City of Wonders. They are listed in the order that you would see under the build screen. Note that I do not have all the cost information yet because I am still playing through the game.

City of Wonder Best Residential Housing
                     Cost   People  Time  Population
House              (Coins)   Gain (Minute)   /Min
Straw Hut            2000     5      4       1.25
Floral Hut           2000     10     8       1.25
Primitive Hut        4000     25     24      1.04
Straw Lodge          9000     48     48      1.00
Egyptian House     15 Gold   100     60      1.67
Thatched House       5000     38     30      1.27
Wood House           7000     70     60      1.17
Cave House           N/A      65     48      1.35
Tall House           N/A     100    120      0.83
Roman House          N/A      60     45      1.33
Roman Villa          N/A      30     20      1.50
Roman Estate         N/A     120    120      1.00
Tudor House          N/A     160    120      1.33
Egyptian Hotel     20 Gold   380    240      1.58
Steam Shack          N/A      19     8       2.38
Steam House          N/A     550    720      0.76
Steam Mansion        N/A     1250   1440     0.87
Industrial House     N/A      14     8       1.75
Industrial Flat      N/A      80     60      1.33
Industrial Manor     N/A     340    360      0.94
Industrial Mansion   N/A     800    1080     0.74
Tenement             N/A     180    240      0.75
Apartments           N/A     500    720      0.69
Soviet Apartments    N/A     550    720      0.76
Deco Hotel         30 Gold   1200   960      1.25
Deco House           N/A      18     8       2.25
Deco Manor           N/A     150    120      1.25
Gehry House          N/A     350    480      0.73
Deco Mansion         N/A      30     24      1.25
Deco Lodge           N/A     150    120      1.25
Luxury Condo         N/A     600    720      0.83
Modern House         N/A      19     8       2.38
Modern Flat          N/A     550    720      0.76
Modern Den           N/A     1250   1440     0.87

Now, I have reordered the listing with the ratio of population gain per time to bring you this table. Generally speaking, if you can meet the collection time of each housing building in City of Wonder. You want to build the ones on top of the list to achieve greater population gain efficiency.

City of Wonder Best Residential Housing
                     Cost   People  Time  Population
House              (Coins)   Gain (Minute)   /Min
Steam Shack          N/A      19     8       2.38
Modern House         N/A      19     8       2.38
Deco House           N/A      18     8       2.25
Industrial House     N/A      14     8       1.75
Egyptian House     15 Gold   100     60      1.67
Egyptian Hotel     20 Gold   380    240      1.58
Roman Villa          N/A      30     20      1.50
Cave House           N/A      65     48      1.35
Roman House          N/A      60     45      1.33
Tudor House          N/A     160    120      1.33
Industrial Flat      N/A      80     60      1.33
Thatched House       5000     38     30      1.27
Straw Hut            2000     5      4       1.25
Floral Hut           2000     10     8       1.25
Deco Hotel         30 Gold   1200   960      1.25
Deco Manor           N/A     150    120      1.25
Deco Mansion         N/A      30     24      1.25
Deco Lodge           N/A     150    120      1.25
Wood House           7000     70     60      1.17
Primitive Hut        4000     25     24      1.04
Straw Lodge          9000     48     48      1.00
Roman Estate         N/A     120    120      1.00
Industrial Manor     N/A     340    360      0.94
Steam Mansion        N/A     1250   1440     0.87
Modern Den           N/A     1250   1440     0.87
Tall House           N/A     100    120      0.83
Luxury Condo         N/A     600    720      0.83
Steam House          N/A     550    720      0.76
Soviet Apartments    N/A     550    720      0.76
Modern Flat          N/A     550    720      0.76
Tenement             N/A     180    240      0.75
Industrial Mansion   N/A     800    1080     0.74
Gehry House          N/A     350    480      0.73
Apartments           N/A     500    720      0.69

General Conclusions:
It is hard to tell you which one is the best housing choice in City of Wonders, however I have put together the following rule of thumb that can help you make better decisions:

1. Best Ratio
The best ratio housing in City of Wonders are Steam Shack and Modern House. They give you 19 populations per 8 minutes.

2. Economical (Realistic)
The most realistic and decent housing to build is Tudor House. Although it does require you to collect once every two hours. They offer great population per time ratio. Yet they are not unrealistic to ask you to check the game every 8 minutes.

3. Worst Housing
The worst housing to build in terms of population gain efficiency is Apartments. Apartments offer a wimpy gain of 0.69 people/ minute. Do not waste your land resources to build Apartments.

4. Housing Gives Better Population for Shorter Time
In general, overall speaking, the shorter time frame houses give better population than longer ones assuming you do not waste any time in collecting the population gain.

5. Spending Gold In City of Wonder for Housing
If you want to spend gold in game for the housing perspective of City of Wonders, the best one to spend gold on is Egyptian Hotel which gives 1.58 ratio per 4 hours. Do not spend your gold on Deco hotel because Deco Hotel really does not give you any advantage rather than long collection time frame.

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