Play Cityville like a Pro

Play Cityville like a Pro
Cityville has been released for sometime over two weeks now. It is by far one of my favorite social game of all time. Cityville has many great elements to an awesome game: the strategically importance of positioning of buildings, the timing element of energy, and the social aspect of facebook games. Below I will share some of my tips on how to play like a pro:

1. Position Your Buildings Nicely
Position your buildings, deocrations, roads nicely so that everything can function as a whole. Try to keep your items neat throughout your game play. Cityville pros do not scatter things around in a messy way. They plan ahead to get the maximum usage out of their lands and decoration payout bonuses.

2. Build Higher level business and farms
Cityville pros tend to plan out their businesses and constantly upgrade to optimize their energy use. Do not spend your energy on lesser level items such as beginner houses or strawberries.

3. Have lots of Neighbors and Friends
Because Cityville is a social game after all, Cityville pros typically have lots of friends. Zynga games have made it even more apparent with the introduction of franchises. Citiville pros usually gets a lot of visitor traffic, mystery gifts, and franchise revenues, these are all the things necessary to make a Cityville player great.

4. Play a lot
Pros tend to be more hardcore gamers. They do play a lot at given times to fully use their energy, visit neighbors, and restock their shops. Play a lot to plan out the next phases of builds in Cityville is a sure way of making you a pro.

5. Occassionally Spend Cash
Whether you like it or not, Cityville is a commercially oriented game. Some pros who are well-off in real life may spend real cash to gain additional energy and levels to get ahead of others.

6. Read Guides and Tips
Cityville pros are constantly reaching out for ways to make them a better player. Constantly search on google or read forums to figure out better ways to play Cityville. There are always useful tips floating around that may improve your game play. Always keep an eye out for them.

Hopefully you will be a great pro Cityville player after following my guides. May you build your dream City!

To View More of My Cityville for Facebook guides, Visit:
Cityville Facebook Guide Collection

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